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Sun, 10 May


Virtual Salon

Ghalia Benali - Call to Prayer

CD release! Announcement of their new Album!

Replay coming soon
Past event
Ghalia Benali - Call to Prayer
Ghalia Benali - Call to Prayer

Heure et lieu

10 May 2020, 18:00

Virtual Salon



I slowly approach

Le Carillon de Passy - Antoine Forqueray le père (1671 – 1745), Pièces de Viole

Causer to Causes

Morning Raga Bhairav - Do you remember

Le Moulinet - Marin Marais (1656 – 1728), 3e livre de Pièces de Viole 1711

The Lament of the pigeon - Rondeau moitié pincé et moitié coup d’archet - Marais, 5e livre

Antidode / Teryak

Last Embrace

Prelude en sol Ste Colombe - Dama daiman

Raga Yaman + In Konta Tadri

Le Badinage - Marais, 4e livre 1717 & Latalumi

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Complete Musical Garden Logo

62 Quai aux briques,
1000 Bruxelles,

Entrance located in the alley Rue du Nom de Jésus
+32 456 04 35 05

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